
My Health Journey

When I became a mother, I quickly realized I wanted my health to be much more vibrant.

I had dealt with common ailments, even chronic and cyclical conditions, since my teenage years. Ailments that were extremely painful and limiting. I felt alone, I was lost and I was frustrated. Throughout my teenage and adult life I had been examined, diagnosed, prescribed & sent to specialists, but never received an understanding of why my body was screaming.

I learned to ignore my symptoms and went onward accepting it all was normal. I covered up the pain with what I knew and what was easily accessible- work, alcohol, pharmaceutical, and recreational drugs and further hardening my rigid shell.

Yet down deep inside I knew I was more, and I knew there were answers. I wanted my world to become bigger, brighter, and freer for myself and my relationships with my growing family. I was exhausted from endless headaches, chronic inflammation, constant bloating, menstrual cycles that sent me to the ER, and diagnosis of Hormonal Migraines, PCOS, and Endometriosis with recommendations of drugs and surgery.

Then I found regenerative health. The pharmaceuticals, surgical recommendations, and harmful drinking and drugs slipped away with lifestyle and nutritional adjustments, habits and addictions no longer had a purpose. My energy soared and my relationship with myself and with others strengthened.

I want this for you!

Your symptoms should not be normalized and your dis-ease is not you.

I have over 20 years of experience in farming, homesteading, and herbalism. I am a lover of all foods and an omnivore at heart. I strongly believe in the strength of the local economy and agricultural resilience. I believe there is a balance to everything, and each individual will find their own based on their own personal beliefs and learn to tune in and listen to how they feel based on actions taken and listening to the body’s response.

I hold a certification as a Regenerative Health Practitioner from the Institute of Regenerative Health. I use a combination of foundational nutrition, supplementation, detox, behavioral strategies, & mindset practices tailored to each individual’s needs & goals.

I know what it is like to want to prioritize your health but feel like a million things get in the way- but I am here to make it easy for you.

I’m here to listen, support, teach, and guide you so that you can live the way you dream of being.

“We are more than our health struggles and we are in control of changing them.”

You’re In The Right Place!

Schedule a Complimentary 20-Minute Call to learn how working with me can change your life and provide crystal clear goals for your body and life.