My Programs

Do you know you want to make a change in your daily habits and feel better in your body?

Have you tried to change, but are not sure where to start?

Have you gone to the doctors, and done tests, but still not received answers and guidance?

Do you have a feeling there’s an imbalance that’s causing your symptoms?

Are you ready for someone who is actually going to listen and get to the root of the problem?

Is it hard for you to imagine having a full day without pain, sleeping through the night, getting your sex life back, having mental clarity, not feeling grumpy, actually pooping daily–or no longer needing to run to the bathroom?

Your Support is Here!

Joyful Regeneration: 1:1 Sessions

The program includes a personalized approach, starting with a deep dive strategy session and a full health consultation. Unique features such as verbal and written iris analysis provide insights into the body's imbalances. The program offers six personalized 1:1 sessions, unlimited access for communication, and mindset and movement practices.

Nourish & Flourish: Group Program

This program is designed for anyone seeking a whole new outlook on weight and discovering true health. The program is not just about shedding pounds; it's about embracing a healthier, more balanced lifestyle that resonates with your personal wellness goals. You have access to an online Skool platform where new education is unlocked each week with videos, readings, recipes, action steps and a forum where you are supported in your questions, struggles and wins! We meet weekly for online class. You receive monthly 1:1 sessions to work on your personal protocol and fine tune your action steps and goals. You are coached through lifestyle, nutrition, detoxification of body and home and finding ease in regenerating your body from the inside out. We start where you are and go as deep as you desire. Join us today!

Transformation: 30-90 day reset

I invite you to a journey of self-care, nourishment, and resetting your health with the support of skilled guides and community.

We start with cellular nutrition, detoxification & restoring a healthy gut microbiome, essential for the health of all body systems. Our community transformation groups include classes & support to rejuvenate life force, strengthen from within, balance the nervous system & emotional health, and so much more.

This is a great option for you if you want to simply add Superfood products into your life and get free support along the way.