Joyful Regeneration

Say Goodbye To Feeling Stuck - Shed Frustration & Pain with 1:1 Support

Do you know you want to make a change in your daily habits and feel better in your body?

Have you tried to change, but are not sure where to start?

Have you gone to the doctors, and done tests, but still not received answers and guidance?

Do you have a feeling there’s an imbalance that’s causing your symptoms?

Are you ready for someone who is actually going to listen and get to the root of the problem?

Is it hard for you to imagine having a full day without pain, sleeping through the night, getting your sex life back, having mental clarity, not feeling grumpy, actually pooping daily–or no longer needing to run to the bathroom?

Support is Here!

Joyful Regeneration

12 Weeks To Gaining Energy, Repairing Your Body, & Creating The Life You Love

What You Receive

30-minute Deep Dive Strategy Session.

By taking a look at your overall health, we’ll understand what’s been blocking you from being able to heal your body on your own. Along with what simple shifts we can begin right away, for you to immediately experience a decrease in symptoms. I will listen to your story so that your next 12-weeks are completely personalized to you!

Initial 60-minute Full Health Consult.

Utilizing a full health assessment, you’ll receive a completely personalized plan to follow over the next 90 days. This will help you meal plan the foods you love, gently detox, and begin lifestyle shifts that are totally accessible and chosen to create the greatest change in the shortest amount of time.

Verbal & Written Iris Analysis.

Learn how your eyes show much about your body and see what doctors and nutritionists have missed in the past! You’ll receive a report on an iris analysis, showing us which imbalances you currently have in your body and where. We use this fascinating information to fine-tune your program and narrow down which body systems to support best.

6 personalized, 45-min 1:1 Sessions

Completely dedicated to you and to refining your personalized recommendations. You receive full support in troubleshooting any challenges and accessing your progress as we go. You can ask me any questions and I’ll share resources to dive deeper into nutrition, detox, lifestyle changes, or mindset work.

Unlimited Access to Me Via Voxer

Private communication where we can easily and quickly correspond as if we were in person. Continuous accessible support for you on your journey so you stay on track, ask questions as soon as they arise and are held accountable every step of the way.

Learn how to feel grounded, stay focused and identify when and why you go off track. Weekly affirmations, exercises and coaching for you to get curious on why you get stuck in certain areas.

Mindset & Movement Practices

Bonuses Included:

Recipes, Menu Plans & Shopping Lists

I’ll give you all the tools to refresh your habits and make your healthy eating inevitable.

Pantry & Fridge Makeover

Together we will revamp your fridge and stock it with healthy options and delicious replacements for processed foods you (and your family) love.

Live Cooking Classes

Completely personalized for you, where we develop 3 signature dishes to satisfy you and the whole family.

Printable Educational Materials

Stay on track when you can easily reference whether on your fridge, in your office or while shopping.

Herbal Tea, Body Care & Home Products

Deliveries to support your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing during your 12-week journey. These are extra supports alongside the recommended nutrition and detox modalities.

My 3 Step Process

  • Step 1: Nutritional Reset

    Begin to flood your diet with foods you’ll love, that you can enjoy with your entire family. Easily transition into eating a slightly different way to get long-term results.

    You receive a customized plan and supplement pack based on a full health analysis. You begin weaning off unhealthy foods and lifestyle choices to flood your body with nutrition and prepare for step 2. We begin to set up your schedule, kitchen, and daily life to automate healthier habits.

  • Step 2: Deep Dive to Detox

    You’ll go through a gentle detox process that will help you cleanse your body of anything keeping you stuck and blocking your healing process. Herbs and supplements will be recommended that will fine-tune your energy levels, digestion, pain, and moods. This is a full-circle process that ends with finding your optimal diet, lifestyle, and supportive supplements.

  • Step 3: Lifestyle Management for Year Round Success

    You receive a long-term plan to manage your health and maintain all your achievements, along with continued support and accountability so you are set up to move forward with your new you!

Joyful Regeneration Is For You!

Select The Plan That Works Best For You:

Payment Plan

Initial 60-minute Full Health Consult

9 personalized, 45-min 1:1 Sessions

Mindset Practices


Unlimited Access to Me Via Voxer

Recipes, Menu Plans & Shopping Lists

Pantry & Fridge Makeover

Live Cooking Classes

Printable Educational Materials

Herbal Tea, Body Care & Home Products

Verbal & Written Iris Analysis

Save $300!

One-time Payment

9 personalized, 45-min 1:1 Sessions

Verbal & Written Iris Analysis


Initial 60-minute Full Health Consult

Unlimited Access to Me Via Voxer

Mindset Practices

Recipes, Menu Plans & Shopping Lists

Pantry & Fridge Makeover

Live Cooking Classes

Printable Educational Materials

Herbal Tea, Body Care & Home Products

You’re In The Right Place!

Schedule a Complimentary 20-Minute Call to learn how working with me can change your life and provide crystal clear goals for your body and life.